Laxative, Expectorant, Anti Billious, Anti Bacterial
Appetizing, Stomachic, Nervine Tonic, Blood Purifier
Stomatic, Carminative, Stimulant
Digestive, Blood Purifier, Nervine Tonic, anti iflammatory, Carminative
Product Description
In this modern era people are unaware of the fact that they are consuming polluted food items and due to their adulteration various diseases are faced such as enlargement of the stomach, sour belching, indigestion, burning sensation in the chest [acidosis] and gas in the stomach, colitis, amenorrhea, constipation, etc are being generated widely.
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Regular use of Udarkalp Powder will help in reducing and balancing the enlarged stomach, correct digestive system and helps in eradication of the problems mentioned above.
We have noticed amazing results in the removal of gall bladder stones.
Helps In:
- Indigestion, Sour Belching
- Acidity, Gastritis, Constipation
- Colitis, Amoebiosis, Control Mucous Formation
- Loose Motion (Due to Acidity)
- Nausea, Vomiting, Bitter Taste
- Burning sensation in hand & feet
- Obesity & many other related problems
- Reduces Belly
- One spoonful ( about 5 grams ) with half a glass of fresh or lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning
- One hour after meal in the afternoon and one hour before meal in the night.
- 60gm / 120gm Powder